NHS Derby and Derbyshire: Advice on what you can do to stay well this winter and avoid flu, colds and other illness

The post-Christmas and New Year period can be a difficult time for many - recovering from a busy time, credit card bills landing and berating those pesky New Year's Resolutions you made but are struggling to keep. Here the NHS at Derby and Derbyshire sets out seven simple things you can do to stay well during the final winter months.
Find out what seven things you can do to stay well this winterFind out what seven things you can do to stay well this winter
Find out what seven things you can do to stay well this winter

Go easy on yourself – freephone mental health support is available 24/7

Returning to the usual routine following the adrenaline of Christmas and New Year can leave you feeling a bit flat. If you find that you're struggling with your mental health, Derbyshire Mental Health and Suicide Prevention offer a freephone service 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Just call 0800 028 0077 for support today.

Keep warm and safe when cold weather bites

Cold weather poses a number of health risks, not least the likelihood of taking a tumble on an icy pavement as well an increased risk for some of heart attacks, strokes and pneumonia. Accidents in the home - associated with loss of strength and dexterity in the hands – also increase. Helpful advice is available on the NHS website. Joined Up Care Derbyshire also offers advice on staying warm and how to reduce your risk of falling.

Visit your local pharmacy for common winter illnesses

It's that time of year when a lot of us will be struck by a nasty winter cold. If you are one of the unlucky ones, your local pharmacy is here to help. Community pharmacists are qualified health professionals who can offer expert advice on lots of minor ailments and conditions. They can also help to make sure you have all the over-the-counter medicines you need to help you to manage common winter illnesses and minor injuries at home. Just ask them for advice on what you should keep in your medicine cabinet.

Keep on top of your repeat prescriptions

It sounds simple but you would be amazed just how many people get into difficulties because they haven't ordered the repeat prescriptions they need to keep them healthy. Take time to check you have what you need and if you don't - order what you need today and collect your prescription as soon as it is ready.

Check your blood pressure – it could save your life

It’s hard to believe, but one in three adults in the UK have high blood pressure, and many people don’t realise. High blood pressure doesn’t have any obvious symptoms but it is a major cause of heart attack and stroke so it’s really important to get your blood pressure checked so you can catch high blood pressure early, then take simple steps to reduce it and lower the risk to your health. The good news is if you’re over 40 you can get it checked for free at most pharmacies across Derby and Derbyshire.

Don’t wait to get advice - 111.nhs.uk is here for you

If you do feel unwell or need advice on a health concern, get help early before your condition worsens by contacting your local pharmacist or visiting NHS 111 online. NHS 111 online is a great resource for you to use over the winter period, it’s quick, easy and available 24/7.

Through 111.nhs.uk, you can:

- find out how and where to get the right healthcare in your area, whether it’s through your GP, urgent care or pharmacist

- get advice on self-care

- get a call back from a nurse, doctor or other trained health professional if required

People should still call 999 or go to A&E in an emergency – when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.

Protect yourself against flu and Covid

You may have seen that flu numbers have been very high this winter and many people are still catching Covid. The good news is that it's not too late to protect yourself. Use these links to find out more - flu vaccine, Covid vaccine.

For more advice on the simple things you can do to weather the winter see www.joinedupcarederbyshire.co.uk.

Visit 111.nhs.uk for healthcare advice. Find a pharmacist here . Book your Covid vaccine online or call 119.

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